Position Statements

  • Red Stone Church Elizabethton holds to a complementarian view in regards to the roles of men and women within the home and the church. Specifically, when we say complementarianism, we mean the following:

    Men and women are created in the image of God and are equal in value in the sight of the Lord and mankind; however, while some roles within the home or church are held by both men and women, there are specific roles assigned by God to men and women that are distinct from one another, namely that of headship. Men and women were created by God to complement one another.

    Complementarianism is a celebration of the ways in which men and women are both similar, made in the image of God, and distinct, in the ways that He created them and the roles that God has assigned to each. It is our belief that complementarianism is God’s design for men and women and, although sin taints God’s creation, that design offers freedom for men and women and is to be celebrated.

    (For a more full explanation, read the entire document here.)