Christ died so we would no longer live for ourselves, but rather that our lives would be lived for Jesus and His Kingdom. ~2 Corinthians 5:14
Knowing that Jesus Christ did not come to be served but to serve, Gospel-centered service overflows out of each of us by understanding God’s unique work in giving all believers spiritual gifts in order for us to bless our communities and serve the body of Christ.
We want to equip our church members with a clear understanding of the Gospel and how to open their mouths and use their words to speak Gospel truths to their family members, coworkers, and neighbors throughout the city. We long to be a church on mission by giving sacrificially of our time, gifts, and talents.
In Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8 Jesus calls the body of Christ to make disciples in our homes, of our neighbors, among the nations and everywhere in-between. At Red Stone Church, we seek to accomplish this through the following four primary platforms:
A witness is someone who shares the Gospel with the intent of planting, watering, and/or harvesting faith in Jesus in their immediate contexts we believe that every Christian is called to be a witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people around them.
Ministry Partners
Red Stone Church partners with people or organizations that share Gospel-centered vision and values with Red Stone and are working to achieve shared strategic goals.
Church Planting
Church planting is when a person or community who goes to create a sent Gospel community unique to the sending body. Red Stone Church was once sent as a church plant and we believe we should be involved in sending more church plants for the glory of God. We believe this so much, that we partnered with other local churches to create a church planting organization called PAC, which stands for Planting Appalachian Churches. For more information, visit PAC’s website here.
A missionary is someone who intentionally crosses a linguistic, religious, geopolitical, and/or cultural boundary for the purpose of communicating the Gospel in order to point people to Christ.
A Global Missionary, at a minimum, crosses a cultural and geopolitical boundary
A Frontier Missionary goes to an unreached people group.